Anyone who inadvertently lands upon this blog as they wander the net will know that I have been banging on about language teachers and singing. I have mentioned that every UK language teacher ought to sign up for a FREE account with the Sing Up website. I thought I would put up today's post to convince anyone who hasn't yet done so.
4 times a year, Sing Up send out a really useful magazine to subscribers, one of whose features is an accompanying CD with a selection of the music freely available to download from their website.
In the Summer 2010 issue, there was this useful article about how to adapt some of this material for your own use. you could apply this to all the other posts I have put up about building a bank of your favourite backing tracks to support your teaching. For example in the current winter issue there is a full arrangement of Queen's "We are the the Champions". You get the backing track of this for free.
If you think teaching this yourself might be too much of a challenge, why not pass it over to a music teacher and see if they couldn't use it?
Alternatively try and just use two parts, the main melody and the middle melody.
Let me know if you use this in school. You can send me links to audio/video recordings of any performances in the comments boxes as I moderate all comments and will not publish any links unless expressly asked to do so.
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