Following on from yesterday's post on using macros in Word, this video explains how you might exploit this vowel macro in Microsoft Word to do some listening work with a text on Christmas in France. If you have a KS4/5 class next week and are stuck for something to do, this could plug a gap!
Again, whilst the language here is for pupils aged 15 +, the idea could be adapted for much simpler texts and sound files at a simpler level.
My thanks to the person who tweeted the original source material for the sound file and text, and thanks to the host site at
This is the original sound file
and an extract from the Word file. Download both in the zip file below.
Here is the video link. Right click to open in a new browser window or download.
Download Noel_en_France_-_Using_the_Vowel_Macro_with_a_sound_file_and_text.swf (16458.7K)
Here is a link to download the zip file that contains the Word Document and mp3 file.
Download Noel en (1633.7K)
The link from the mp3 to the media player embedded in the Word document might be broken but there is an explanation at the end of the video of how to re-insert it if you wish. Otherwise just play the mp3 in your own media player.
Have fun!
Joyeux Noël à tous mes collègues qui travaillent si dur dans des sections de langues partout au Royaume Uni et ailleurs!