Hmm! This seems to becoming rather a theme on this site!
As so much traffic is visiting these posts I thought I would flag up a very old post from this site which I put up to help teach French colours in primary schools.
I was using the French Noddy song "Oui, oui" which all primary classes sing with predictable sniggering and general merriment. Here it is:
As a song to teach pronunciation of the 'i' (eee) phoneme it is really useful as most of the lyric rhymes are based on this.
You can also point out the 'w' sound in front of it when adding 'u' (oui) and the following 'y' sound in 'aill' (vaillant).
Here is the link to the old post on this where you can find the lyrics, mp3 versions of the tune and other materials to teach colours.